Section: Software and Platforms

Protocol Verification Tools

Participants : Stéphane Glondu, Pierre-Cyrille Héam, Olga Kouchnarenko, Steve Kremer, Michaël Rusinowitch, Mathieu Turuani, Laurent Vigneron.


Cassis has been involved in the European project AVISPA, which has resulted in the distribution of a tool for automated verification of security protocols, named AVISPA Tool. It is freely available on the web (http://www.avispa-project.org ) and it is well supported. The AVISPA Tool compares favourably to related systems in scope, effectiveness, and performance, by (i) providing a modular and expressive formal language for specifying security protocols and properties, and (ii) integrating 4 back-ends that implement automatic analysis techniques ranging from protocol falsification (by finding an attack on the input protocol) to abstraction-based verification methods for both finite and infinite numbers of sessions.


We develop, as a back-end of AVISPA, CL-AtSe, a Constraint Logic based Attack Searcher for cryptographic protocols. The CL-AtSe approach to verification consists in a symbolic state exploration of the protocol execution, for a bounded number of sessions. This necessary restriction (for decidability, see  [77] ) allows CL-AtSe to be correct and complete. Each protocol step is represented by a constraint on the protocol state, used to check for reachability of the next state. CL-AtSe includes a proper handling of sets, choice points, specification of any attack states through a language for expressing e.g. secrecy, authentication, fairness, or non-abuse freeness, advanced protocol simplifications and optimizations to reduce the problem complexity, and protocol analysis modulo the algebraic properties of cryptographic operators such as XOR (exclusive or) and Exp (modular exponentiation).

CL-AtSe has been successfully used  [65] to analyse France Telecom R&D, Siemens AG, IETF, or Gemalto protocols in funded projects. It is also employed by external users, e.g., from the AVISPA's community. Moreover, CL-AtSe achieves very good analysis times, comparable and sometimes better than state-of-the art tools in the domain (see  [82] for tool details and precise benchmarks).

Cl-Atse has been enhanced in various ways. In particular, the tool fully supports Aslan semantics introduced in   [63] , including Horn Clauses (for intruder-independent deductions, e.g. for credential management), and LTL-based security properties. Also, bug information and correction are processed through a bugzilla server, and online analysis and orchestration are available on our team server (https://cassis.loria.fr ). Cl-Atse supports negative constraints on the intruder's knowledge  [66] . This extension of Cl-Atse allows us to reduce drastically the orchestrator's processing times. It has also been used to model e.g. separation of duties and non-disclosure policies. We have also extended the syntax and semantics of ASLan to better model lists of undefined length, directly inside messages. Cl-AtSe tool now supports membership predicates, deletion operators ans so on for managing these lists, and offers a first reference implementation for other tools in Avantssar. In particular, the ASLan translator has been updated by our partners.


We develop the Akiss (Active Knowledge in Security Protocols) tool for verifying indistinguishability properties in cryptographic protocols. Indistinguishability properties are essential in formal verification of cryptographic protocols. They are needed to model anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance against offline guessing attacks, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences. Akiss implements a procedure to verify equivalence properties for a bounded number of sessions of cryptographic protocols. As in the applied pi-calculus, the protocol specification language is parametrized by a first-order sorted term signature and an equational theory which allows formalization of algebraic properties of cryptographic primitives. Akiss is able to verify trace equivalence for determinate cryptographic protocols. On determinate protocols, trace equivalence coincides with observational equivalence which can therefore be automatically verified for such processes. When protocols are not determinate Akiss can be used for both under- and over-approximations of trace equivalence, which proved successful on several examples. The procedure can handle a large set of cryptographic primitives, namely those that can be modeled by an optimally reducing convergent rewrite system.

The underlying procedure is based on a fully abstract modelling of the traces of a bounded number of sessions of the protocols into first-order Horn clauses on which a dedicated resolution procedure is used to decide equivalence properties. Although termination of the resolution procedure has not been proved, the procedure has been effectively tested on examples, some of which are outside the scope of other existing tools, including checking anonymity in several electronic voting protocols.

Recent developments include the possibility for checking everlasting indistinguishability properties. This feature was added when analyzing everlasting privacy properties in electronic voting protocols. We are currently working on a generalization of the procedure to allow associative-commutative operators and in particular a re-design of the resolution procedure for allowing analysis of protocols that use exclusive or. Expected case studies for this development include unlinkability in RFID protocols.

The Akiss tool is freely available at https://github.com/ciobaca/akiss .


In collaboration with the Caramel team, we develop an open-source private and verifiable electronic voting protocol, named Belenios. Our system is an evolution of an existing system, Helios, developed by Ben Adida, and used e.g. by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. The main differences with Helios are the following ones:

  • In Helios, the ballot box publishes the encrypted ballots together with their corresponding voters. This raises a privacy issue in the sense that whether someone voted or not shall not necessarily be publicized on the web. Publishing this information is in particular forbidden by the CNIL's recommendations. Belenios no longer publishes voters' identities, still guaranteeing the correctness of the tally.

  • Helios is verifiable except that one has to trust that the ballot box will not add ballots. The addition of ballots is particularly hard to detect as soon as the list of voters is not public. We have therefore introduced an additional authority that provides credentials that the ballot box can verify but not forge.

This new version has been implemented by Stéphane Glondu and has been tested in July 2013 in a mock election in the teams Cassis and Caramel.

In a first step, Belenios has been implemented as an extension of existing Helios system. However, the existing software development of Helios is large and its security becomes difficult to assess. We have therefore re-implemented entirely the code of the bulletin box, yielding a now independent software (http://belenios.gforge.inria.fr/ ).

In Helios as well as Belenios, votes are encrypted using the public key of the election. To ensure privacy, the corresponding decryption key is not known to anyone. Instead, several authorities detain a share of it. For robustness reasons (and as recommended by the CNIL), it is important to be able to decrypt even if some of the authorities are missing. We have implemented the threshold decryption scheme that we have proposed [40] . This implementation is currently available only within the Helios system and we plan to integrate it to Belenios in the next months.